Monday, June 4, 2012

Wyatt Hick's Baby blessing!

My little sister just had her 5th child.  A boy named Wyatt.  She now has 4 boys and 1 little girl.  So crazy how that worked out, huh?
They decided to bless this little guy Memorial weekend..he was only a week old so still so tiny and sleepy. I am so glad I got to see him right away. I was just dying to see him and I hated how most of the time I didn't get to see her babies when they were brand new. So this was a really neat thing for me. The first picture is with most of the brother's kids weren't able to be there but they are on my parent's deck enjoying root beer floats. Giselle was enjoying hers with at least 5 straws.  We had beautiful weather so it was nice.  The majority of the pictures are of the brunch before the blessing.  A lot of Les's family was able to be there so it was nice to spend some time with them.  I didn't get a picture of my mom and dad with Wyatt so I'm bummed about that. And some how Brett was able to NOT be in a single picture..sneaky devil!
The last two are at church outside with sweet Wyatt in his blessing outfit. Kristi looks great for having a week old baby.
Welcome Wyatt we love you and are so excited to have you in our family!

1 comment:

kristi said...

Beautiful Wyatt!!!!! It was so wonderful to have your family there to celebrate with us!