Friday, June 22, 2012

Free Museum Day in Chicago!

The museums here in Chicago are really nice but pretty pricey. So it is a GREAT idea to head over when they offer free days for Illinois residents.  We were lucky to go with some friends from church which makes it even more fun.
We went to this museum before with Brett's parents but it was at Christmas time and it was SO crowded and so many lines that it wasn't as much fun.  This time there were no lines and so much more relaxing.  We were able to see so much more but I have to say there is still so much to see. Since it was free we didn't feel like we had to stress and jam as much in as we could.
We brought our lunch which made it even a better deal.
We were also lucky to see a bunch of baby chicks hatching.  The kids were very fascinated with it. I think the mom's were also pretty fascinated. It's amazing how long it takes those poor babies to get out of that shell.
The trains were of course a HUGE hit as well as the idea room.  The big girls really liked the Internet room. Learning about how it started and how much has improved.  They also were able to see a few experiments and even a big burst of flames.
Love free days and hope to try some more places out!

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