Thursday, June 21, 2012

Jolie's 1st Art Class!

Jolie  has 3 big loves: Fashion, art, and teaching.  She decided to put all 3 to work. She made flyer's and passed them out to a few neighbors and waited to see if anyone would be interested in an art class taught by Jolie.  She was super excited to find out 3 neighbor kids and 3 siblings wanted to come.  She prepared her lesson and got all of her supplies.  They did self portraits for the first class. It was a whole hour and she loved every minute.  The pictures were great and we finished with a snack. I think Jolie is doing such an amazing job at practicing her talent. Way to go Jolie!

p.s. nothing is wrong with Jacob's eye he is just doing a weird blink here!

1 comment:

kristi said...

Haha, Jacob's eye does look pretty crazy!