Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Write it down!

Who here hasn't heard...write it down? Write down what you have to do. Write down your grocery list. Write in your journal. Well here it is the end of February and I finally have my new years resolution or as I like : The Lisa that I should be!

First- Write down what we spend..I say "we" because yes I do most of the spending but it is our money and our goals. I am very happy to report that I loved all of your comments and suggestions and the 2 months that I have been writing down our expenses has meant a grocery bill cut in HALF...how crazy is that? A M A Z I N G!!! also kinda sad that so much money was wasted for so long...you live you learn, right?

Second- Yell less in the home. I saw a quote a little while back that said "Yelling in the home should only happen if there's a fire" Now I know that wont always happen. But I really do like the idea of thinking of another way to get my kids attention. I read to try whispering. I have tried and it has worked really well. I still lose it here and there but I can say I am honestly trying. A friend of mine told me she went to someones house and the mom is really nice and sweet but then would turn around and scream at her kids and how uncomfortable it made her feel. It REALLY made me take a step back and think to myself. WOW, I would hate to be "the mom that does that".

Third- Write down my memories. I have a very very bad memory. I really hate that too. I can remember some memories from my childhood. But I have to say I don't remember tons. Yes I did cut my head open twice..that could be a contributing factor. :) I also think I am tired a lot and do a lot and just things get pushed out. I just don't want my memories of today to be forgotten tomorrow. So I am trying to blog more and actually write in my journal. I am also working on getting my family story. My grandparents and parents and even great grandparents. They went through so many amazing experiences that I know I can learn from.

There are many many more things I need to work on and learn but these are a few of the BIG ones.
What is one of yours?


csharris said...

Wow Lisa you do amaze me! Making a resolution list. Wow and how amazing is that cutting you grocery bill in half. The yelling thing I have been working on for awhile myself but my kids are deaf. Well selectively of course. HAHA I hope you do better than I have done. Wait I know you will. I know you should win the best mother award for all the things you do. The blog has become a short of journal for me and boy am I glad you helped me start mine. I know you will be able to do all the things on your list you put your mind to. You are amazing. Good luck and we miss you.

Karrot Soup said...

Awesome! I had a big feeling last year to write down my memories, and I've just been using the lds.org study notebook for my entries since I don't remember things from my childhood chronologically anymore. So I have a bunch of entries, and then at the end of the year by chance my brother asked for memories to put in a special photo book for our parents and I was all set to go, didn't have to scramble at a busy time of year. Anyway, sounds like you're making great progress, thanks for reporting!

Jenn said...

Lisa, you really do amaze me. I miss the days WE were the kids and all this hard stuff only existed for our parents lol. Alas, you are truly me hero. I have 5 of the most amazing kids on the planet. I am also a single mom. Their "father" has moved on and has new kids.. whatever. I am also Bipolar, as are two of my kidlets. I have to write EVERYTHING down or I just don't remember. Esp the last few weeks having my meds messed with. I feel like I am constantly in a fog. My biggest problem is losing my temper. With 4 boys, believe me, it doesn't take much lol. ood luck girl and keep up the amazing job you do as a mom.... I always knew you would be one <3

Corinne Ritz said...

I feel inspired after reading this! These are all things I have been thinking about as well. Thank you for putting it out there. I am going to steal these from you! I am amazed that you cut your food spending in HALF!!! WOW!!! I bought the stuff to make an organized house keeping/budget binder. After reading what you wrote I am going to put it together today, finally. My husband will be so proud!