Monday, July 18, 2011

Pink is in the Air!

This is just a small sampling of ALL the pink that happened this past sunday! A sweet teenager sent out an email on facebook asking everyone to wear pink to church this sunday. I knew Jamie wouldn't be there since she had her first round of Chemo this past thursday but her husband kids would be. So the replys of yes kept coming and coming. It was soo much fun to see all the pink and all the pink hair! :) Our ward has always been a great ward but now it is an amazing ward. For so many people have come together to show this family how much love we all have and want to give. It really is a humbling experience for me and my friends. You always say to yourself if anything were to happen to you would someone be there to help. There is NO doubt in my mind. There will ALWAYS be someone their to help. If you want to see more pink go to Jamie's blog here.

Can you believe it, even Brett wore a pink tie! He's so cute. LOVE YOU!!!

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Tammy said...

What a great tribute!! Love it!!

NecropolisHerbs said...

Looks great on both of you!