Wednesday, July 6, 2011

another statistic!

They say 8800 people get injured every year doing fireworks. This year we are one of those people. We were doing the normal light your own sparklers and little fountain fireworks. Genevieve had picked smoke bombs because the night before at a neighbors she loved it. The kids love the color smoke and pretended to be wizards and jump through the smoke when Jacob suddenly started screaming and grabbed his eye. Brett and I jumped up and ran inside to wash out his eye. You know how hard it is to wash out a 3yr. old's eye..very! He let us put a cold washcloth on his eye. We called the pediatrician who told us two other kids have done the same thing that day too. We went to urgent care and they gave him some antibiotic drops and told us to see the eye dr. on tuesday. Tuesday we went to the eye dr and they were worried and sent us to the Pediatric eye doctor. The doctor there said he looks ok keep doing the drops and check back in two weeks. Needless to say NO MORE jumping through smoke. Poor little guy. He keeps telling us his eye feels better because he does NOT want us to look at it, touch it most of all put drops in it!


The Fox Family said...

oh man! poor Jakie! glad he is okay though! phew that was a close one! ;)

Corinne Ritz said...

So sad! My kids get so wild around our fireworks I am amazed that we have never had an injury!