Monday, February 1, 2010

who wants to play?

This is our playroom in the basement. I should've done a before and after picture...but technically it's still not done, this is phase 1. The playroom is wonderful BUT so many times I hated even looking at that side of the basement. TOYS TOYS TOYS......DUMPED!!!!!!!!
Luckily IKEA has a wonderful selection of book shelves. we chose this one. I LOVE IT! the bins I found at Target on clearance...which is why I only have a few, because I cleared them out. Now I need to go to more Targets to get more. These bins are glorious. They are small and easy to get in and out...and find that one special toy you are looking for. AHHHH, life is good, for 5 minutes at least! I almost forget to mention that my AMAZING friend Alex put that monster of a shelf together all by her little self. Also, my other AMAZING friend Kelly was so sweet and helped me shovel out the toy room, we left with 4 black garbage bags of broken or too many peices lost bags of toys. oh yeah baby!!!


kristi said...

So nice!!!!! I love it.

The Fox Family said...

I wish you could have seen my face when I opened your blog to see that picture! My jaw dropped and I think i let out an audible "oh my gosh!" That is amazing! You have good friends! Doesn't it feel so good?! Ahhh it looks SO great! (and i love ikea!)

The Fox Family said...

and woah..i just saw your new blog title and thought...7th heaven..why? that's weird..umm HOLY COW you are a family of 7 now!!! WOW!

That Girl said...

... so do they play in it?

We have a play room in the basement, and they don't use it NEARLY as much as I thought they would. They just want to drag the toys upstairs where most of the 'activity' is. I'm actually thinking of doing a major overhaul lately.

kiki said...

Very cute! I have one in the babies room that has 9 cubicles. I put green, light brown, and dark in them. I love them!! I want a big one like you have for my basement too!!

Jules said...

That looks AWESOME!!! A friend of my sister-in-law's has a blog and did something similar. She took pictures of the toys in the bin and hung them on the basket. I thought it was a great idea. Here's the link:

Lisa Fox said...

Julie- THat's so funny because i was thinking of doing the exact same thing. Me and her must have read the same article. Thanks for the link her blog looks really neat!