Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What's the deal with the shovel?

It's funny how something as simple as a shovel can become so valuable. Living in Virginia is usually so great in the winter time. It snows one day and is 60 degrees the next. There has been winters I don't even need a winter coat. This winter has been a whole different story. We have had storm after storm. The last storm dumped almost 30 inches of snow. The next one coming tonight is going to add another 10-20 inches on top of the 30 inches...since it hasn't had a chance to melt away yet...and now they are talking about another storm possibly coming this weekend. Needless to say a shovel is VERY important right now. So when ours broke during this past storm we were not to happy. We called all the stores and of course they were sold out everywhere. Finally after 3 days of calling, I got the response" we ordered a few hundred and it should be here any minute but we already have a 100 people in line." Of course Brett had also just left to go to work. So I piled all 5 kiddos into the van and zoomed off. I got out and was telling the kids to hurry. I had Giselle and Jake in the stroller and was pretty much carrying Jillian since it was icy and snowy all around. I made the big girls run and we made it. We got a shovel, with only 6 left after us. I also noticed they had Ice melt so I grabbed that 40 lb bag and stood in line. PHEW! Well worth the craziness and now we are patiently waiting for this new snowfall to end. OH, and the kids have been out of school since Thursday....YES, I am done with SNOW!!!!!


The Fox Family said...

haha! It was fun for a little while right? Glad you got a shovel! You are one tough Momma! ;)

Mindy and Larry said...

I can just see the scene,now, of you hauling all the kids to the store...craaaazeeee! (not you, of course, but just the whole situation!) It would make for a great laugh and scene in a movie--maybe a romantic comedy starring a love struck couple, namely you and Brett, who become parents of a lot of kids and go through funny, crazy experiences...and great beautiful ones, too! You have such a beautiful family! I'm glad to hear you guys are safe and warm w/ power!!!!!