Thursday, February 12, 2009

Brett's Head!

About 2 weeks ago, Brett went home teaching and it was a night after a pretty bad ice storm. He had just left a family and WAM, down the stairs and on his back. His phone went flying in the air so he immediately started looking for that and then noticed the blood pouring out of his head and onto everything. He continued to look for a minute than realized he should leave and get some help. Luckily he was in the neighborhood because he drove himself home. His companion was with him. He walked up to the door and i about had a heart attack. I ran and got a towel but quickly realized he needed to get to the hospital right away. His companion stayed at our house and I called Brett's parents to come over since i didn't know how long we would be. By the time we got to the ER, the towel was completely soaked in blood. It took a little while to be seen but we finally got a Dr. They did a CT and his head was clear just needed some stitches. 4 bright blue stitches. He was sitting in the chair getting stitched up and asking if it was ok if he played in his basketball that saturday. The nurse was like probably not a good idea and he's like but not totally bad, I told her to say NO you can not, otherwise he will go. So she told him no and I am very happy he didn't play that week. He is doing great now and the stitches are out, thanks to a sweet nurse in our ward and he's back to playing ball.

1 comment:

The Fox Family said...

ewwww. i am glad he is alright though. that was a bit scary. poor guy.