Thursday, February 19, 2009

Brett and I play basketball for a league at our church. Normally his games are saturday mornings at like we don't usually go. This time it was at 10am. All the wives came to the game. It was so much fun to root for our men. The kids had a ton of fun as well. It was on Valentines day so there is a lot of red in these pictures. The cutes part was Jillian and her friend Morgan they were cheering in the beginning. " Go Daddy Go" over and over adorable.

Brett playing ball and showing his mad skills. I"m not sure why the picture is so dark..bummer!

Jolie posing with her sucker she got that morning! Yay for Target dollar bins!

All the wives and kiddo's, aren't we a fun bunch!

Looking sexy in that penny!

There was one casulty. Lando injured his swelled up big time and he ended up getting an air cast. But he's ok now!


kiki said...

LOL!! I love the signs. I went to Eric's basketball game today! It smelled like smelly, dirty boys- LOL

kiki said...

I wish our stake did women's basketball...