Friday, January 25, 2013

Baby, it's cold outside!

It's been very cold the past few 1 degrees cold..with a wind chill of -15 and -20 BUT no snow. SO when it finally snowed, the kids were VERY excited!! Jillian and her friend went around to a few neighbors yesterday offering to shovel ( sweep really) their driveways if they paid them. They were so excited to earn 3 dollars.  It's great because she is getting baptized in a few months and so we talked about paying our tithing and she was very happy to be able to do that.
 Today Jacob wanted to get in on the action of shoveling.  As you can see their really isn't a lot of snow on the ground..just mostly sidewalks and driveways but if he wants to go out and burn some energy I wont be stopping him.
 Giselle said hey what about me? I want to help.  She tried so hard to push that broom..upside down!

 Giselle laid right down on the ground face first she liked the snow on her face than quickly realized it was very cold and wanted it OFF!
 As Jacob and Jillian were shoveling Giselle followed them scooping up ice cream..oops I mean snow and eating it...she really did that the whole time!

 Look at those kids go...way to use those muscles and hopefully wear them out!!!

 Once everyone was nice and chilly they decided to come in for some warm banana bread and homemade vanilla bean frosting!
A HUGE bonus was Brett working from home today. So he picked Jacob up from preschool..made lunch for the little kiddos and than picked older kids up from the bus stop. We all love having daddy home!

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