Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Activity Days: New skills!

I love how our children are always willing to try new things.  Last week for Activity Days we had a very kind sister come in and teach them how to Crochet!  All the girls loved and tried so hard.  It's not an easy skill to learn and one you must practice often to really get good and comfortable at it.  I was able to spend most of my time with Jolie and help her.  She is like me and it didn't feel comfortable. I remember trying to learn as a child and it was very awkward and frustrating, but I learned that can change. When I tried it that night I really enjoyed it.  I got the hang of it quickly and thought maybe I could give it a try again.  Genevieve got the hang of it really fast. Since she really enjoyed it she started practicing right away.  She has been making chains after chains. This one she is working on right now she did in an afternoon and than went upstairs and dropped it off the balcony and it could touch the ground.  I love watching them learn new skills and than practice them.  Last night for F.H.E. Jolie prepared the lesson and made the dessert.  She did a great job and all the kids paid attention.  Way to go Jolie!

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