Friday, November 2, 2012


Halloween was great this year. Although, it was the first year our big girls did not go out with us.  They went around the neighborhood with some friends.  So they aren't in any of our pictures. So sad!  Chicago does trick or treating at a set time.  For Willowbrook it was 3-7pm.  That makes it a pretty hard for Brett to get home.  He raced and worked through lunch and made it home by 4:30.  Two of our friends came over with their kids and we headed out.  It was pretty cold so we lasted about an hour.  Jacob was so funny to watch as he lead the pack.  He ran to each house in absolute heaven.  Giselle really liked this whole ask for candy deal.   Once back home we feasted on lots of goodies.  We had Chili from our friend the Korella's.  Dinner in a pumpkin. second time I've made it and it was even better.  mummy hot dogs of course and finger bread sticks.  Apple cups with dip, chips and Chicago popcorn...and orange jell-o and worms made be my friend Leah- Jell-o squeezed out of straws..isn't that the grossest and coolest thing ever.  The kids LOVED it!! Lots of food, fun and friends just like I like it.  Brett got Jolie and Genna from their friends at 7pm and brought them home. It was good to have them back!

1 comment:

Mindy and Larry said...

So cool and so hard to let Jolie and Genna go! Were they together with friends or were they each with different friends?