Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Giselle is 6 months old today!

This is exactly what Giselle does all day....laughs! She is such a happy baby! It doesn't take much for her to laugh... especially having so many fun siblings to play with!

A few things about Giselle:
She is on the move- she rolls ALL over the place..I put her down in one spot and in 2 seconds she is all the way across the room.
She wants people food...NOW! Her whole body reacts when we eat..she wants we have sooo bad, but for now it's rice cereal, sweet potatos, carrots, applesauce, pears and green beans to name a few...oh and a few popsicles here and there!
Any obnoxious sound makes Giselle smile or stop crying...don't believe me just ask Jillian to yell "boo ya boo ya boo ya" for 2 minutes and you'll see!
She took a bath in the sink the other day and LOVED it...this morning I found Jacob sitting in the sink with the water on...he loved it too!!
She laughs from the inside...it's hard to explain but it sounds like she is laughing inside and not actually out loud.
I don't see or hold her for almost the whole 3 hours of church! She is loved by everyone!! Maybe because she goes to everyone!
She sleeps anywhere and with all kinds of noise...I wonder if she would sleep as well if it were actually quiet...guess we'll never know!
She doesn't have any teeth yet, but will gnaw on your finger like a chew toy!
Those are a few fun things about Giselle or ellie as we call her a lot. We love her to pieces and keep believe how fast the time has flown by.


MissManda-Mae said...

are u sure it has been six months already... u need to go back and check her birth certificate!!! wow! I know what u mean about the inside laugh! jaxon does it. Great post, great baby, GREAT family!

Betsy said...

She is so cute! I love the picture of her with her tongue out! What a doll.

I run for Kandie said...

I love that she's still bald! My kids had no hair forever too! But I especially love how she reminds me of The Brain! From pinky and the brain!

Mindy and Larry said...

We loved seeing Giselle, this past week. I'm totally one of her fans! She is one of the most beautiful little baby girls! Happy 6 months!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmm sweet mouth you have good girl open it nice and wide you are going to love sucking this

Anonymous said...

kandie I love that she's bald too, bald p-ssy is the best p-ssy