Thursday, June 23, 2011

Digital Baby!

TOYS...who needs toys when you have a...............


Giselle LOVES my ipod. She loves listening to music and being able to change the screen with her finger. She loves the colors and the sounds and it is no big deal to crazy is that?

This crazy little small screen can entertain her forever...Jolie knows more features on my ipod than i do. She can take video and pictures and I have NO idea how to...hahaha.

She already knows to move her finger on the screen...angry birds makes her angry! Wonder what other crazy technology will be part of her normal everyday life?????


Corinne Ritz said...

How adorable! My kids are the same way. They are all little techy's! My 16 month digs in my husbands suit pockets in sacrament meeting looking for his Iphone. SO embarresing!

MissManda-Mae said...

This is funny to me because my boys r the exact same way with my iphone. Children of the rising generation!! No hand cart pullers, but they can whip up a mean power point by age of five!