Sunday, July 20, 2008


I did my first canning. Blackberries and Peaches! It's been quite the ordeal to get it all done,but i so far have 8 jars of blackberry jam and 4 quart jars of peaches. Tommorow i am making peach jam and attempting to freeze some sliced peaches. I have to say I really enjoyed canning. I am going to get a canner, since i borrowed this one from someone in my ward. They are sold out online from wal-mart right now, but i will prevail!


kristi said...

Yummy!!!!! Looks good.

The Olsons said...

That is great that you can! I'm not a huge canner or anything, but my mother in-law is and she recomended that I buy a huge pot for the mason jars to rach almost to the very top and it works great just boiling them for a half hour instead of buying a canner thingy. It's really easy if you havn't done it.

That Girl said...

Yeah! You can teach me!!!

I have major plans to have a huge, gi-normous garden when we move back to the States and be a canning queen. We'll see if it actually happens!

Jules said...

You go, girl!! Something I haven't attempted yet!

The aMAYSing Family said...

awesome! I'm so intimidated by the thought of canning. You go super-mom :)

The Fox Family said...

wow! look at you go. I am so proud of you!