Monday, July 21, 2008

Memory Tag!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog (if you have one) and leave one about you! reminisce away...


kristi said...

Remember the time in High School when we were driving Jason's old Chevet and the brakes were really bad and we kind of ran into that building next to Taco Bell. Also we had to hurry and throw it into park at red lights. That was so bad :)

Krystal said...

I just loved all the times getting together at your apartment in Orem, for some reason we always ended up there. It was so fun to always sit and talk about girly things while the boys were goofing around. And I can't forget our trip to DC to visit you guys. I had so much fun playing with Jolie, it was the first time I really had much interest in babies after being married. I can't believe how many places we went to during that week, and now that I have kids I realize how hard that must have been to have such a little baby and you did it all!

MissManda-Mae said...

My Favorite memory was when you and I killed joe and brett playing catch phrase at your apartment then getting an apollo burger after that.... Joe's says we lost, but we know who the real winners were!!!!

Joe says his favorite memory was Brett and the stopwatch... lol!

That Girl said...

When Brett set up that fake NCMO date and we drove out to see if the guy actually would show up ...

And he did!

Karrot Soup said...

Oh goodness -- I think I'll pick the memory of when we first (re-)met, and watched the Dandelion Parade with the kids. The people handing out beer tried to give us some, and we said we didn't drink, and they thought "wink wink" it was just because the kids were watching, not because people would actually refuse beer if they had any real choice.

NatalieHemingway said...

Hi Lisa!! I found your blog through Becky! You finally got a BOY!! Yay!! You have got to be so busy. Having #3 put me over the edge, so I'm pretty sure there won't be a #4.

Ok, a memory: Sleepovers at your old house in Royal Oak when we were just little kids. For some reason I remember watching Care Bears with you. Does that sound familiar?

teamstowell said...

I remember one of the first times we met and I noticed your amazing gold table and the kids always looked so cute and I just knew I would never be able to afford something like that...
When I asked you about it, you flipped up the corners to reveal an unfinished piece of fabric...I've loved you ever since!
You're the girl who knows how to make everything look good, and I've never met anyone with such a big heart!