Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm so thankful for...

mommy's little helper's....especially during dinner time. Jacob was hungry and i was making dinner, then Jolie needed help with her homework. So I asked Jillian to help Jacob and give him a bite of his yogurt. She excitedly gave him a bite. A few minutes later i came in to see this. A HUGE pile of cheese ( we were having tacos for dinner) and yogurt ALL over can't tell but she had gotten an extra yogurt out and that was tucked under his left arm. They both were happy as can really what's a little extra clean up........
I mean look at that face so sweeet.............UNTIL.......... You see him do this.....Which i am of course thankful for disinfectant and bubble baths.

I hope this isn't the beginning of a career choice...unless that makes him happy!


kristi said...

Hahahahaha, so cute and so disgusting all at the same time!!!!!! In one of those high chair pictures, I do think that he looks a lot like Jillian.

kiki said...

That's great! Even though he was a mess, it was nice you were able to help Jolie with her homework. Sometimes the mess is definitely worth it! :)

Mindy and Larry said...

What a wonderful post! Love the cheese, the baby being fed, and the helpful big sister! And as for the toilet, Jacob can come clean or fix our toilets anytime!:)

The aMAYSing Family said...

I can't believe he is already to that point of getting into the toilets! Fun times at your house!

Jules said...

We haven't had this happen yet, but I keep telling the kids to be sure to shut the lid so it doesn't happen (this also helps with a certain little boy leaving the seat up anyway).