Sunday, March 24, 2013

Schwinn Certified

A few weeks ago I decided to try something new and get certified to teach spin classes.  It was 10 hours long but so much fun.  My mom came up to help with the kids since it was on a week day!  I learned so much and had an incredible work out.  Now I need to get over my fear and get out there and teach. I talked to the group fitness director at Lifetime and they want me to co teach first and then when I'm ready take over a class. I can't wait!!! Woo hoo!!!


The Fox Family said...

I didn't know you were into Spin!? I have recently gotten into it and love it! What a great workout! Good for you for getting certified!! How fun!

csharris said...

You are amazing Lisa. Way to go!!!!

Mindy and Larry said...

Congrats, Lisa!!

Mindy and Larry said...

Congrats, Lisa!!