Sunday, March 24, 2013

This is the midwest I DID NOT miss!

This is two different views of our driveway. A LONG driveway huh?  Last year we were spoiled and it was super mild.  It looked like this year might be that way again...then February hit.....SO cold.  It is now March and it is still SO in the negative cold. On Friday it was above freezing so I made all the kids go outside and play in the warm sun..hahaha it really did feel warm to them. Oh how we can't wait for spring to get here!!  The only saving grace this winter has been our snow blower. It has been amazing to have.  A lot of the snow storms have hit during the day so who is home to shovel it...yup ME!!! Thankfully this awesome machine makes it so it isn't hard at all. I actually really like it...except when my hands freeze that part I don't like. Well winter you've been fun for many adventures of sledding, snowman making, fort building, snowball fights and hot chocolate but we are done with you now!!


The Fox Family said...

that is one long driveway. boo!

csharris said...

That is a great view of the house too. I would love the long driveway in the summer and hate it in the winter.