Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentine's Day!

Jacob made this at school and I laminated it at home!

The kids V-day dinner: heart pizza and heart fruit pizza!
Valentine's Day was filled with candy, hearts and lot's of sugar!!! Luckily, Jillian and Jacob were the only one's we had to make valentine's for.  I found this really neat leather journal on etsy for Brett. I started cutting out the states we have lived in since we met.  I call it a map of our love.  We are excited to keep adding to it as the years go by.  It's amazing how many pages we have already filled up.  Sadly that night I got sick and was in bed by 10pm but thankfully we had a great day and everyone in our family could feel the love!

1 comment:

Mindy and Larry said...

How sweet, Lisa, that you started a new tradition!! Larry would love that idea- "Map of our LOVE" Sorry you got sick, though!