Saturday, August 4, 2012

The lazy days of summer!

Yesterday the kids asked me if they could do a lemonade stand. They had been asking me for a while but it really hadn't been a good time but yesterday I finally said OK.  They got some paper out and made signs. Found a lunch box for the cash box.  Made some lemonade and found cups..thank goodness I had some paper cups on hand!
Our neighborhood is tucked away so I knew not too many people would be passing by. The girls started knocking on a few doors and with in no time they had made 5 dollars. 25 cents a cup.  We have some very nice neighbors. The mailman even donated he said he had a big thing of water but gave them some quarters. WOW, that's  a nice mail man.
While the girls were setting up the stand Giselle came inside and laid on the stairs and the next thing I know she is out cold.   I love how she can fall asleep in the strangest places.
Yesterday was a fun day but a busy day. Sprinkler playing, lemonade stand than we went to the pool with daddy when he got home from work.
So it wasn't too surprising when after showers Jacob told us he was tired. He went to bed at 8:45 and this morning he didn't wake up until I took that picture above at 9:40a.m. WOW. Wouldn't that be nice.  Although he does remind me of me when I was a kid. I played hard and then slept hard.
Love these Lazy days of Summer!!!!!!!!


kristi said...

Good times!!! Looks like a great day!

The Hoogland Family said...

Love that picture of Giselle! Classic!