Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jacob's Preschool Christmas Show!

Giselle waiting for big brother Jakey to come out!

Jacob was very excited for Mommy and Daddy and Giselle to come to his Christmas show.

He spotted us and couldn't hold back the excitement. Jingle bells and all. Look at that cute boy!

He talked all about playing the Kazoooo!!! Of course it's green, that is his favorite color. He played Jingle Bells so nicely on it!

Now it's time for him to sit with his class and watch another class perform. Can you believe it? He is sitting still!

Next year Jakey will be up there the whole time like the 4's class he is watching right now!

He did a quick check to make sure Mom and Dad are still there. Yup, they are! Phew!!!

Jacob looking so handsome in front of the Christmas tree at his school.

Daddy and Giselle got a turn with the star of the show. We loved having daddy there.

Mommy couldn't miss out on a chance to take a picture with my big boy. We love you Jacob you did a great job!

1 comment:

Corinne Ritz said...

I LOVE the picture of him looking back over the pew! So cute!